At Mike Moore Sales, LLC we provide customers with exceptional control systems knowledge to meet all project requirements. We are committed to providing the highest quality support for engineers and contractors in or near Columbia, Raleigh, Durham, Charleston, Wilmington, Asheville, Greensboro and Greenville. We also represent HVAC and Building Control manufacturers throughout the U.S and world, our product lines support the latest standards in energy efficiency, sustainability, and comfort.
CONSULTING SERVICES – For Steam and Condensate Piping Systems Design, Problem Solving and Surveys.

American Gas Safety
UTILITY CONTROLLERS FOR USE IN K-12, COLLEGES/UNIVERSITIES, FIRE DEPARTMENTS, RESTAURANTS AND HOTELS – Key lock teacher controls for gas, water and electricity for teaching labs. Gas leak detection with connection to fire alarms. Gas ventilation interlocks for commercial kitchens. Boiler room gas shut-offs and solenoid valves.


DeltaPValve by Flow Control Industries
PRESSURE INDEPENDENT CONTROL VALVES (PICV) – Flow Control Industries manufactures the DeltaPValve, the premier high-performance Pressure Independent Control Valve (PICV) for HVAC chilled and heating water systems.

Ebtron, Inc

Onicon, Inc
INNOVATIVE FLOW AND BTU METERS FOR HVAC APPLICATIONS – NIST Traceable Factory Calibrated Flow & BTU Metering Systems for Chill Water, Hot Water, Domestic Water, Steam, Steam Condensate, Natural Gas, Compressed Air, etc. Includes Insertion Turbine Meters, Insertion & Full-Bore Electromagnetic Meters, Insertion and Inline Thermal Mass Gas Flow Meters, Clamp-on Ultrasonic Meters (both permanent and portable), In-line Ultrasonic Meters for Small Pipes, Steam Vortex (Insertion and Full-Bore) & Turbine (Insertion) Mass Flow Meters. The System-10 BTU Meter is a Highly Accurate Microprocessor-Based Instrument Ideal for Networking to Control Systems.

T.A. Morrison Co. Inc.
TAMCO INNOVATIVE DAMPER PRODUCTS – Manufacturers of Maintenance-Free Air-Foil, Salt Water Resistant, & Thermally Broken-Frame Insulated Dampers, as well as, Louvers, Removable Insect Screens, Backdraft, Weighted Backdraft & Counterweighted Backdraft Dampers.

Thermal Gas Systems, Inc
PHOTOACOUSTIC IR AND CMOS REFRIGERANT GAS LEAK DETECTORS – Haloguard I and Haloguard I/IR, Haloguard II (includes ammonia detection option) and Haloguard II/IR, Haloguard IR, & Haloguard III Refrigerant Monitors with Photoacoustic Infrared Technology (with Calibration Kits), Parkguard S/T Wireless CO Detection and Ventilation Control for Enclosed Structures, Oxyguard Oxygen Depletion Monitor.

TSI Incorporated
AIRFLOW CONTROLS FOR CRITICAL ENVIRONMENTS – Room Pressure Monitors and Controllers, Laboratory Room Controllers, Fume Hood Controllers, Remote Monitors, Proprietary Through-the-Wall Thermal-based Pressure Sensors, Fast-Acting Actuators, Thermal Dispersion Airflow Measurement, Cleanroom Particle Counters, Facility Monitoring Systems and Software